Sun Path and Sun Positions

 Solar Panel Orientation

Tilt versus Latitude


To allow for some generalizations, we find it practical to subdivide the globe into regions (five latitude ranges) with some common characteristics and specificity; for instance, in single axis tracking installation, the axis doing the tracking may not be the same for all regions. Tropical region is different than others; contrary to others regions where the sun is always at the south for the northern hemisphere and at the north for the southern hemisphere, the sun will be either at the north or the south dependent on the period in the year.

For all practical purpose, earth can be subdivided into five principal regions, well delimited by the tropic circles, arctic and antarctic circles:

  • Arctic region: between the north pole and the arctic circle (part of northern hemisphere)
Arctic circle =  66.5 degree latitude north
Periods of 24 hours daylight in summer and 24 hours darkness in winter.
Solar system in this region can only be seasonal.
(See sun path at selected latitudes).

  • Medium Northern hemisphere : between the arctic circle and the Tropic of Cancer
Arctic circle =  66.5 degree latitude north
Tropic of Cancer = 23.5 degree latitude north.
Sun is always at the south.  
(See sun path at selected latitudes).

  • Equatorial and Inter-tropical Region:(Region between the tropics)

Tropic of Cancer = 23.5 degree latitude north.
Tropic of Capricorn = 23.5 degree latitude south.
Sun is either at the south or the north depending on the date and period the year.

Choosing a fixed orientation is not as simple as for the other regions.

(See sun path at selected latitudes).

  • Medium Southern hemisphere: between Tropic of Capricorn and antarctic circle
Tropic of Capricorn = 23.5 degree latitude south. Antarctic circle =  66.5 degree latitude south
Sun is always at the north.
(See sun path at selected latitudes)

  • Antarctic region: between the antarctic circle and the south pole  (part of southern hemisphere)
Antarctic circle =  66.5 degree latitude south

Periods of 24 hours daylight in summer and 24 hours darkness in winter.
Solar system in this region can only be seasonal.
(See sun path at selected latitudes).


  • Latitude defining the tropics = "earth inclination" = 23.5
  • Latitude defining the polar circles = "(90 degree) - (earth inclination)" = 90 - 23.5 = 66.5